In the case of acute respiratory distress symptoms associated with COVID-19 (fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste…) or other clinical or epidemiological indications, including testing required in care homes and other social or healthcare services for reducing the risk of infection spread among vulnerable groups, in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines, testing referral is issued by the designated physician (family practitioner, pediatrician), who will also schedule the testing.
In case of severe symptoms that require hospital treatment, your physician will refer you to a hospital. If you have disease symptoms, you can contact your physician or a COVID infirmary via telephone (or a tourist infirmary if you are away from your place of residence).
The full text is available on this link and for more information about Coronavirus consult the official webpage of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
For students in Istria County - in case you have some of the symptoms or suspect that you have been in contact and that you may be infected by Covid-19, you must apply self-isolation measures. Stay at home and avoid social contact.
Contact the Istrian Health Centre as soon as possible at the number: +385 52 233 770.
The medical staff will guide you to the current measures in force and the steps you must take. From the duration of self-isolation to the testing appointment.