Career Acknowledgement for Research (Manager) Delivering for the European Area – CARDEA is a Horizon Europe programe funded project. It is funded within the European Research Area (ERA) call aiming at maximising the impact of EU research and innovation funding (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-20).
About the project
Research Management as a profession is almost invisible from policy, career progression and tenure opportunities across Europe. Cardea will develop support to address this inequality. Detailed data-driven (500+ participants, 24 countries) knowledge space-defining and characterising the problem will be created. Based on this, a range of solutions will be developed, including a Capacity Maturity Model to assess and improve RM activities, a novel RM Hub for networking and training to include a community of practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Widening Participation (EU13), Public-Private partnership actions will be at the core of teh consortium research, training and enhancement activities.
Additionally, the mobility and networking of Research Managers and those with responsibility for developing Research Managers will be included to ensure the Research Manager ecosystem grows transnationally. Actions will provide a significant evidence base to advocate the inclusion of Research Manager exigences in policy, and project will target this proactively, more concretely, 38 key decision-making organisations.
Amongst the impacts of Cardea will be an enduring network and Hub that can facilitate Research Manager development and collaboration, a validated methodology to assess Research Manager careers and a well-established baseline against which improvements can be objectively measured. An Research Manager Charter will be developed and offer a Concordat to institutions and organisations that make significant commitments to developing RM activities in a structured mature manner.
Lead partner : University College Cork (Ireland)
Project Manager: Ivona Peternel, PhD
Project number: 101058572
Program: Horizon Europe
Total budget: 1.498.312,00 EUR
UNIPU budget: 164.875,00 EUR
Start date: 1/06/2022
End date: 31/05/2026
Project Results
SO1: (Specific Objective one): mapping existing provision about Research Manager across EU, including existing demographics, progression pathways (formal and informal), policy and certification
S02: Develop a Capability Maturity Model to assess the level of development and capability of institutional and organisational Research Manager professionalisation to serve as a process improvement and appraisal system.
SO3: Develop Research Manager competency models.
SO4: Establish European Hub for Research Managers.
SO5: Become an active voice for the research management profession, contribution to policy at regional, national, EU and international levels.
S06: Embed European societal ambitions for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Widening participation in all Research Manager professional activities, offering opportunities to more people and territories to improve skills.
- University College Cork (Ireland)
- University of Liège (Belgium)
- CERTH (Greece)
- Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia)
- Università di Macerata (Italy
- Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJPAN) (Poland)
- University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania)
- CERCA (Spain)