Academic staff
We are pleased that you have chosen our University for your Erasmus Staff Mobility. It is a great way of establishing new contacts and strengthening our current cooperation.
Staff mobility offers professional development opportunities for academic staff to gain new experiences or to improve their skills by participating in teaching assignments or training in another country.
Academic staff can realize their mobility at our University in the framework of different mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, CEEPUS or within Bilateral Cooperation Agreements.
You can visit us in the framework of Teaching Assignments or Training Mobility.
Please consult our Erasmus Data Sheet for general information on the Institution and list of contact persons / Erasmus coordinators at faculty/department levels.
Non-Academic Staff
Non-Academic staff can realize their mobility at our University within different mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, CEEPUS or within Bilateral Cooperation Agreements.
In the framework of ERASMUS+ mobility programme only the employees of the higher education institutions that hold an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) are eligible to participate. Moreover, your home University must have signed an inter-institutional agreement with our University.
For more information, please contact the office in charge of Erasmus+ programme at your home University.
If you are interested in realizing mobility at departmental level, please, contact the Departmental Erasmus coordinators for invitation letter and help regarding your work programme.
In order to realize the mobility period within Erasmus+ programme, the higher education institutions in Programme Countries have to be holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and must have signed an inter-institutional agreement with our University. For more information, please contact the office in charge of Erasmus+ programme at your home University.
For invitation letter, please, contact the Departmental Erasmus coordinators that are appointed with the goal to help you with your teaching or work programme and to assist with providing other necessary information to make your stay at our University more pleasant and comfortable.
Once you have initiated contact with faculty/department of your choice and agreed on general details of your visit, please send the documents your home university requires to be signed.
Required documents involve Teaching programme in case of Teaching assignments or Work plan in case of Training Mobility.
For the purpose of proof that the mobility actually took place, you are required to have the Confirmation of Arrival and Departure signed and stamped by authorized person at the faculty/department of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula at the end of your mobility.
If your home university uses different forms, be free to send us those, there is no need to duplicate forms. Documents need for signature to the e-mail address of contact person at chosen faculty/department of the University of Pula.
In case of any questions, please contact UNIPU Office for Partnership and Projects.
Looking forward to hosting you in Pula!